Is providing "Ethics Code" mandatory at the time of submitting the manuscript?

Any research that collect data from animals or human beings samples or involves working with copy-righted materials (like any form of review manuscripts) MUST be approved by a valid Ethics committee and provide the “ethics code” and the approving agency address in the “Title Page” during submitting the manuscript. The code will be check by the JRRS office. If the code was not retrieved, the manuscript will be fast-rejected. The submission fee will be un-refundable in these cases. 

As JRRS also review engineering and non-medical manuscripts, these manuscripts do not need ethics code unless they tested their proposed apparatus or procedure on a human being or animal.

For any type of the studies conducted inside Iran, the code MUST be retrievable in National Ethics Platform. Ethics codes from agencies outside Iran are not acceptable for the studies conducted inside Iran except they also get the approval from National Ethics Platform.

Is providing "Clinical Trial Registration Code" mandatory at the time of submitting the manuscript?

All types of clinical trials MUST be registered in a valid clinical trial registry and provide the resgitration code and the registring agency address in the "Title Page" during submitting the  manuscript. The code will be check by the JRRS office. If the code was not reteirved, the manuscript will be fast-rejected.  The submission fee will be unrefundable in these cases. 

Valid registration aganecies are any national agency approved by WHO for registring  . clinical trials. Details are accessible in International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). In Iran, IRCT is the formal registry for clinical trials, however the registration in any other registry worldwide is acceptable.

Note: Providing ethics codes does not eliminate the essence of providing “clinical trial registration code”. The only exception is when the authors registered their trial in a valid registry and the registry announced their study our of clinical trial scope. In these cases, these documents MUST be provided when submitting the manuscript.

Why cannot I find the forms and checklists required by the journal or download the authors' guide?

To view the forms and checklists required for manuscript submission, you must first register here on the journal website and then enter your account from here. Forms and checklists, as well as the downloadable form of the authors' guide, are not accessible to visitors without a user page or those who have not entered their user space.

Why will my manuscript be rejected?

  1. Missing ethics code (and IRCT code for clinical trials) on the title page

  2. Missing or incorrect ORCID of one or more authors

  3. Inclusion of a person in the list of authors that does not fit authorship criteria

  4. Acknowledging a person without their providing his written consent

  5. Provide a non-academic email for the corresponding author

  6. Failure to set the title page in both Farsi and English according to the title page example available on JRRS website

  7. Missing submission documents

  8. Failure to complete all requested information in forms and checklists or absence of signature

  9. Failure to send the receipt of the online payment of the submission fee or to providing the receipt of the transactions through Shaba number or card to card transfer

  10. Failure to comply with the authors' guide

  11. Poor writing in term of Persian grammar and scientific and academic standards in the manuscript

  12. The presence of the name or any indication of the author(s) in the text of the manuscript

  13. If more than 10% of the references are books, conference abstracts, websites, etc

  14. If more than 80% of the references are older than 5 years

  15. If less than 10% of the original references in a narrative review belong to the authors’ team

  16. Any contact with the journal office during the judging period

  17. Any kind of ethical violation in the process of data collection, preparation and submission of the manuscript, even if discovered after the publication of the article.

How much time does the peer review process tack for fast and normal review?

You can see the timeline for manuscript review for fast and regular track process here