Biomechanical model
Investigation on a Developed Wearable Assistive Device (WAD) on Decreasing Lumbar Muscles Activity During Static Holding Tasks; EMG Analysis and Biomechanical Modeling [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011]
Investigation on a Developed Wearable Assistive Device (WAD) on Decreasing Lumbar Muscles Activity During Static Holding Tasks; EMG Analysis and Biomechanical Modeling [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011]
Lumbar moments
Investigation on a Developed Wearable Assistive Device (WAD) on Decreasing Lumbar Muscles Activity During Static Holding Tasks; EMG Analysis and Biomechanical Modeling [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011]
Muscle activity
Investigation on a Developed Wearable Assistive Device (WAD) on Decreasing Lumbar Muscles Activity During Static Holding Tasks; EMG Analysis and Biomechanical Modeling [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011]
Wearable Assistive Device (WAD)
Investigation on a Developed Wearable Assistive Device (WAD) on Decreasing Lumbar Muscles Activity During Static Holding Tasks; EMG Analysis and Biomechanical Modeling [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011]
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