The Effect of Adding High Threshold Suspension Training to Low-Load Motor Control Exercises on Pain, Function, and Swing Posture in Women with Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Document Type : Original Articles


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Biomechanics and Sport Injuries, School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Biomechanics and Sport Injuries, School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Biomechanics and Sport Injuries, School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain, School of Medicine, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: Motor control exercises with low and high threshold is one of the newly introduced methods for the treatment of low back pain (LBP). The aim of present study was to compare the effect of adding suspended training with high threshold to motor control exercises (MCE) on pain, function, and postural sway in women with chronic nonspecific LBP.Materials and Methods: 128 women with chronic nonspecific LBP with mean age of 38.4 ± 6.62 years were selected and divided into control (n = 43), MCE (n = 42), and MCE combined with suspension training (n = 43) groups. Visual analogue scale (VAS), movement control tests, and force distribution device were respectively used to assess pain, function, and swing posture (COPx and COPy) before and after 8 weeks of intervention. Paired t and one-way analysis of variance tests were used for data analysis (P < 0.050).Results: MCE with and without suspension training showed significant effect on decreasing pain intensity (P = 0.018), postural sway (P < 0.050) and improving function (P < 0.050). It was also indicated that MCE combined with suspension training was more effective. Conclusion: Findings of this study show addition of suspension training to MCE can improve pain, function, and swing posture in women with LBP with superior effect size. Regarding the improvement of the measured variables in the two training groups, it is suggested that a combination of these exercises be used in the treatment of patients with nonspecific chronic LBP.


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