The Effect of Physical Exercise on Controlling Balance among the Visually Impaired Elderly using Auditory-Vibratory Alarming Feedback Device.

Document Type : Original Articles


1 PhD Student, Department of Behavior and Cognitive Sciences, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University , Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Behavior and Cognitive Sciences, School of Sport and Health Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Physiotherapist, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran



Introduction: The quality of stability, which refers to balance, is defined as the power to maintain center of mass in relation to base of support. Considering the fact that elderly who are visually impaired encounter problems related to keep balance and its effect on their social activities, the aim of the current research was to study the effect of physical exercise on using audio-vibratory alarming feedback device on controlling balance among the visually impaired elderly.Materials and Methods: Thirty visually impaired elderly, whose impaired was confirmed using Snellen chart and opticians devices, were randomly chosen and divided into two groups of physical exercise and physical exercise with using biological feedback device. The exercise was of two types of tasks, standing alone or walking along with kinetic and thinking tasks. The elderly chosen for this test participated in posttest and pretest balance assessment using stabilometer. The groups exercised for 12 weeks and twice a week. To analyze the data, we used independent t and repeated measures ANOVA tests.Results: Physical exercise with and without using biological feedback device had significant effect on balance in visually impaired elderly (P = 0.001). Based on the independent t test, there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of the effect on balance at posttest test; and the group of exercise with using device showed a better performance related (P = 0.035).Conclusion: Doing exercises using alarming biological feedback device can improve balance criteria. In this regard, multi-sensory manipulations based on substitution and adapting approaches can lead to even better results, and increase the effectiveness.


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