Central auditory processing disorder in speech and language pathology

Document Type : Review Articles


MSc, Speech and Language Pathology, Department of Speechtherapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Medical University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



Introduction: Auditory processing skills are critical for listening, communicating and learning and when defective, they can cause academic problems in addition to other communication weaknesses in children. Awareness of CAPD symptoms and knowing how to assess and treat it appropriately are all in the scope of speech and language pathology and audiology and the lack of such awareness and knowledge may lead to confusion in diagnosis and to inefficient treatment. The purpose of this study was to address some of the questions commonly raised by speech and language pathologists regarding to the nature, diagnosis and treatment of (C)APD and to prevent misuse of the term.  Moreover the author tried to explain the responsibilities of speech and language pathologists in this area.Methods: A review of the latest literature on the subject of (central) auditory processing disorders was performed using PUBMED, EBSCO, SCIENCE DIRECT, ASHA, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, THIEME , PROQUEST data bases and library sources.Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that auditory processing was a complex process and speech and language pathologists had an important role in screening, differential diagnosis and treatment of (C)APD. Speech and language pathologists should consider the possibility of (C)APD as they encounter school-age children experiencing learning disability.Keywords :(Central) Auditory processing disorder, Speech and language pathologist, Differential   diagnosis , Intervention approaches